AZPX has teamed up once again with legendary skate artist Sam Esmoer to create some original designs to share. In true collaborative spirit, we enlisted master lensman Dan McCabe to provide some inspiration for Sam to create the AZPX ‘Not Dead Yet’ Artist Series. We picked some killer skateboarding photos that Dan took. Sam is doing his thing appropriating each image into his insane style of Arizona inspired art.
#4 in the series is a Dan McCabe photo of Ryan Swick Killing a FSA in the Prescott Amoeba Bowl. Once again, Mr. Esmoer flexed his magic skills and not only killed the image but somehow knew to put Ryan’s recently passed beloved Blue watching him get gnarly. Sam had no idea Ryan even had a a dog. Of course ol’ Swick just couldn’t settle for my colorization pallet in the series so he asked for something a little more ‘death metal’. The request made me dig deep and I think I came up with something worthy of the Swickipedia which is now the bonus Not Dead Yet Series $4.5: Special Death Metal Colorway Edition.
Available as Canvases, Posters, Mugs, Stickers and T-Shirts.
BONUS! Not Dead Yet Series #4.5: Death Metal Colorway
Swick is a total metal head and had a special request to have the colors reflect his love for the genre. He likes the normal colorway too but this fits him a little better. Behold the Not Dead Yet Series #4 Special Death Metal Colorway Edition.
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