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AZPX / Chico Marquez Thrasherland Tribute T-Shirt Graphic

AZPX turns eighteen years old today and what better way to celebrate than do a collaboration with a local artist. My buddy Chico Marquez not only causes trouble with the hardcore pool skate crew the Scabs With Forties, he makes some pretty amazing art. Chico has a way with capturing personalities through his own stylized skeletons and has created a buzz with custom commissioned paintings on skateboards for friends and family. When thinking of doing some sort of tribute to one of my beloved stomping grounds, Thrasherland, I approached Marquez about doing a collaboration with me. Chico then proceeded to bust out an amazing depiction of Thrasherland, complete with his signature skeleton ripping the old ‘big’ ramp with the rest of the park in the background. STOKED! He then personalized it with some details just for me which I am most grateful for. We are proud to put Chico’s art on some select items, we hope you dig them!

Art of Chico Marquez. Check out Chico’s Instagram to contact.

Shitty Photos of Thrasherland from my ‘Archive’

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