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Lookback: Holga’s Skateboard>>Artist Exhibit November 2004

Tom Cooper and I put together one of the earliest Skate-Art shows on a first Friday in Downtown Phoenix back in 2004. The gallery was HOLGA’S, a small space on the corner of 3rd Street and Garfield. My apologies for the shitty photos, phone cameras were not available as shown by Randy Colvin’s display of an ancient cell phone. Those digi-point-and-shoot cameras well, sucked. I don’t have any photos of the place packed or of The Cosmeticators pulling up on a flatbed truck to blast the parking lot or of DJ Horsepussy set-up on a curb in the street filling the air with vinyl noise. There are, however, some killer images of the artists that participated in the show from JJ Horner (his first show), Steve (Ping!) Pingleton, Sam Esmoer, Gavin Troy, The Grinch, Cris Olson to name a few. I submitted some home-made decks that I made with my pops (RIP). Bones and Independent donated all the trucks, wheels and bearings to my project. The boards were from an imaginary brand called LSD (Locker Skate Designs), each one unique and a total piece of art.

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